Similar to what happened to the other Inidox substacks during the last couple of days — A Rich Life, Technical Writing, and Technical Writing DK — Data Analytics has been moved to its own subdomain under the general Inidox domain.
The four sites are now situated on these four domains:
It all looks very orderly and logical, doesn’t it?
From the other sites, I have learned that everything goes 100% smoothly and all links from before will continue to work, hence, you should not run into any problems whatsoever because of this transition.
As a custom domain is often recommended, mostly because it in some undefined way seems to help with the branding of a site, I have high expectations. Many new subscribers, top position on Google searches, and a large inflow of requests from new customers :)
Well, I am realistic, so a slight improvement in my own and perhaps other’s ability to remember the domain name would be expectable, and everything else will just be a bonus.
The spread of the news on the Internet’s domain name servers is an amazing enterprise, with thousands of servers telling each other what the world looks like. Still, everything should be up and running all over the world within hours from now, if it isn’t already.
Please let me hear if you experience any trouble due to this change.